Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ireland: The Dublin Docklands

The Dublin Docklands are a gentrified area of Dublin that now house new apartment buildings and the home of Google. And they call the area near the Google headquarters Google docks. Which is funny because of Google Docs...for those of you who know what Google Docs is. This new and modern area is home to a lot of art and interesting architecture. These red sculptures look like someone got really mad while eating sushi and smashed their chopsticks in the ground.
 Alice and Alex sit overlooking the docklands.

 Big chopsticks and new apartment buildings.
 I'm pretty sure the chopsticks are placed so perfectly that each picture you take always features them.
 heART! Oh...the puns get worse don't worry. The Docklands is home to the U2 recording studios and pictures from their album covers. The reason this is relevant is because across this cool piece of art, someone rudely wrote "Bono has a small dick". But it does show the true feelings of the Irish, they really don't like Bono.
 The docklands turn into a really cool art space and sporting area during the summer. They do water sports here, hence the ramps, but look closely and you'll see the two swans on the ramp.
 In the background is the O2, a big arena for concerts and such!
 Tessa, always finding beauty in the ungentrified areas of Dublin.
 Lens flare! The key to all hipster photos.
 The Aviva Stadium for rugby.
 I don't think I've posted a picture of this yet, but the signs in Ireland are always in Irish and English. And the Irish comes first and more bold, it confused me for a while.
 A bottle family.
 Ran into some Victoria's Secret models.

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